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Acrylic painting, is painting executed in the medium of application of synthetic acrylic resins. Acrylics dry rapidly, serve as a vehicle for any kind of pigment, and are capable of giving both the transparent brilliance of watercolour and the density of oil paint.
The difference between oil and acrylic paint is that acrylic paints are water-based, and oil paint is made from drying oils with a medium of animal fat, linseed, or synthetic polymer. Acrylics can be thinned and brushed just like watercolors. Acrylics dry to a hard finish and stays permanent.
This set of 12 colors (60 ml per bottle) and made up of colors like White, Red, Fuschia, Dark Blue, Turquoise, Green, Yellow, Black, brown, Purple, Orange, Skin Color. Works well on any surface.